I'm too lazy to write this in English & German. So this is gonna be a rare German posting cause I already had it written (as a mail) :-O
Wir haben hier zwar grade ne ziemliche - fuer australische Verhaeltnisse - Regenzeit, die ca. ne Woche andauern soll :-( Hier der Beweis, dass es auch mal in Australien regnet. ist aber auszuhalten, da der Regen warm ist :-)
Gestern war aber einer der - sonst normalen - Bombentage!
Sonne pur und statt Wolken nur ein Kunstflieger am Himmel. Wir sind mittags per Bus in Richtung Bondi Beach aufgebrochen...
weil beim Verlassen und Ausschwenken wohl eine Ampel im Weg stand
Die Maedelz waren nicht so begeistert, zumal wir uns in einen anderen (schon wartenden) Bus quetschen mussten
Die Maedelz waren nicht so begeistert, zumal wir uns in einen anderen (schon wartenden) Bus quetschen mussten
und haben bis 5 Uhr den Bondi Beach genossen (das Wasser ist merklich waermer geworden)...
Elena (Italienerin) enjoying one of her last days at the beach before going back to cold Europe...
...Herrje! das klingt jetzt doof, aber ich hatte grad Musik auf den Ohren und prompt schreib ich nicht mehr deutsch...*lachuebersichselber*
Bondi Beach Lifeguard (sposored by DHL!!!)
I just tag the pictures in english now...
und sind danach den extrem coolen "Sculputure by the sea" (link) Walk gelaufen.Bondi Beach Lifeguard (sposored by DHL!!!)
Ich hatte das irgendwann, vor meinem Plan nach Australien aufzubrechen, mal im Fernsehen in irgendeiner Reportage gesehen und mir gedacht:
"Wie geil ist das denn? Kunst mit der ich was anfangen kann in so einer Kulisse!"
besser als jedes schnoede Museum. Werde dazu aber noch Bilder posten...und hier sind sie:
Mic above Bondi Beach
one of my favorites - the silver spoon
Tomas Misura, "twisted reality"
"the dream is possible."
Personally it reminded me (and maybe the artist got inspired by that as well) of a one of my favorite quotes:
Tomas Misura, "twisted reality"
"the dream is possible."
Personally it reminded me (and maybe the artist got inspired by that as well) of a one of my favorite quotes:
Instead... only try to realize the truth."
1: "There is no spoon."
1: "Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself."
Steffi and Mic taking a shower - an audio shower :-0
Jesse Cox, "recommissioned"
"exploring the idea of reusing public showers to tell stories and histories of Bondi and Tamarama coastline"
"Salt Box" is a term given to the small wooden houses facing the Atlantic along the North East coast of the USA. My sculpture is a portrait of me, relocated in Australia and facing the Pacific"
Jan Shaw, "Sydney real estate scramble",
"Golden sihoulettes of stereotypical Sydneyities clamouring and scrambling up slippery slopes in a race to obtain the pinnacle of possessions, money, power and real estate, real estate, real estate."
"For me Sydney's connection to the sea is what it makes so special. But is it also Sydney's nemesis?"
"The xanthorrhoea stands as a figure which holds history and myth, passive in the landscape, a strong watching presence."
"I-Sea is a monumental figurative statement based on a self portrait. The sculpture's purpose is to attain a connection between itself and its enviroment."
"Through being transparent, can glass turn into material for sculpture by means of visual depth and textures?"
"Sun Stela is growing from the ground, uplifting the pyramid. The stone is antithetical to the sun's rays, which are absorbed by shades of grey and black."
Thomas Kayser, "souvenir" (famous views),
"Pilgrimages (Pilgerreise) to views end in pictures which then become fixed as memories. "Souvenir" takes an image of a past view and places it against the fluidity of time"
"Mobile Home amplifies that latent non-human life present in an object and purposes an alternative value to its use from luxury to necessity."
"Appearing conscious, he is depicted as being either raised or lowered - the choice does not seem to be his. He is wet by and subject to the tides of his condition."
Alex Kosmas, "silent escape"
"An hommage to nature's ability to survive"
the wings of the airplane in the back start to move up and down if there is somebody on the swing...like this kid.
Sandra Landolt, "zero agl"
" Zero AGL is an aeronautical term that means zero above the ground level, based on the idea of revitalizing an "injured" airplane via a children's dream of flying."
Sandra Landolt, "zero agl"
" Zero AGL is an aeronautical term that means zero above the ground level, based on the idea of revitalizing an "injured" airplane via a children's dream of flying."
"Close together in spirit - the relationship of man and nature"
Dillon McEwan, "carcutter",
"Omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis. All things change and we must change with them."
Mercedes that lost its hatch...a coincident?
of course not...20meters further down...
Nerine Martine, "life boat / thuyen cuu roi"
"Made in Vietnam, this sculpture is about ocean journeys of courage and compassion"
Hiroyuki Kita, "wind, shining, 2007"
"Can you hear the voices of the wind?
Can you see the colour of the wind?"
Michelle Le Grand, "shuttle"
art "pimped" by a brasilian girl in the background :-)
Richard Byrnes, "aroundandaround"
"Lives. planets and circumstances all go round and around"
Chi Phan, "lift, plonk"
"For the live you lived, the memories you left, the mother you were, this is for you."
verschiedene verschoenerte "Trimm-dich-Geraete" entlang des Walks...
Keith Chidzey, "body beautiful"
"These sculptures are a response to the often inappropriate Anglo-European intervention on the land, and our obsessions with the fitness industry."
view on Tamarama Beach/Bay
(almost) sunset on Tamarama Beach
Steffi & Elena taking a picture of what? Correct! A lemon tree...what did you think...eeeasy :-0
Irene Hoppenberg (Germany), "lemon tree"
"Lemon Tree is a project where I transform colour into a 3D form. Yellow represents light. For me th elemons are a symbol of the southern countries and the sun."
Tchja, wer aus Deutschland stammt, der kennt eben das Problem mit der fehlenden Sonne... ;-)
Mitsuo Takeuchi, "transfiguration "link" xx"
"This is an experiment in which I am expressing the concepts of position and visible topologies as one substance."
another life guard on his duty
Sam Deal, "on the lookout"
"I express the relationship between art, science and technology through kinetic sculpture."
Stephen Paul Coburn, "hunter valley sun"
"Represents growth under the sunin the valley. Please draw your own conclusions."
Marguerite Derricourt, "arboretum"
Arboretum: a grove of trees, drawn in a continuous line through which one may see the ocean and the sky. A memory of the South Coast holiday."
one of my "delivering a message favorites: messing with the Kyoto protocol (Australia didn't sign it but it is an issue in the ongoing election campaign)
Joachim van den Hurk, "formal rags"
"Three precious rags printed with Kyoto protocol blowing in the wind attached by a red life line. An artists statement for the benefit of mankind's enviroment."
one one my favorites as well but it's been so extremly hard to get this one on my camera without people staring in it...
Julia Adzuki & Mark Szulgit, "fossil"
Fossil is composed of sedimentary layers containing the engraved trace of a fictitious aquatic growth. A memory of our rapidly depleting (dezimieren, verringern) ecosystem due to climate change."
it took me around 15 Minutes...
until there were only 3 people around. So I asked them if the could step back for a second....but it was worth it...I believe.
Mic "Jumping" Tamarama Beach
...to have dinner at the beach pool afterwards.
What a brilliant day!
"Made in Vietnam, this sculpture is about ocean journeys of courage and compassion"
"Can you hear the voices of the wind?
Can you see the colour of the wind?"
Richard Byrnes, "aroundandaround"
"Lives. planets and circumstances all go round and around"
"For the live you lived, the memories you left, the mother you were, this is for you."
Keith Chidzey, "body beautiful"
"These sculptures are a response to the often inappropriate Anglo-European intervention on the land, and our obsessions with the fitness industry."
Steffi & Elena taking a picture of what? Correct! A lemon tree...what did you think...eeeasy :-0
Irene Hoppenberg (Germany), "lemon tree"
"Lemon Tree is a project where I transform colour into a 3D form. Yellow represents light. For me th elemons are a symbol of the southern countries and the sun."
"This is an experiment in which I am expressing the concepts of position and visible topologies as one substance."
Sam Deal, "on the lookout"
"I express the relationship between art, science and technology through kinetic sculpture."
"Represents growth under the sunin the valley. Please draw your own conclusions."
Arboretum: a grove of trees, drawn in a continuous line through which one may see the ocean and the sky. A memory of the South Coast holiday."
Joachim van den Hurk, "formal rags"
"Three precious rags printed with Kyoto protocol blowing in the wind attached by a red life line. An artists statement for the benefit of mankind's enviroment."
Fossil is composed of sedimentary layers containing the engraved trace of a fictitious aquatic growth. A memory of our rapidly depleting (dezimieren, verringern) ecosystem due to climate change."
What a brilliant day!
Das ist auch das Gute an dem Anzug...wieder Geld zu verdienen. Lieben werde ich ihn wohl nie und hier in Australien gibt es eben soooo viele Alternativen schoen durchs Leben zu kommen, z.B. Tauch-, Sky divelehrer oder auf irgendeinem Kreuzfahrtschiff arbeiten...wird aber bestimmt auch irgendwann langweilig....alles also soweit OK.
Verkuerze meinen Job aber ziemlich sicher um 2 Monate auf Ende Januar (wie teils schon erwaehnt). Parke dann meinen Krempel bei nem Kumpel (Vince), schulter den leichten Rucksack und nehme noch Neuseeland (evtl. Tasmanien) und Melbourne mit. Ueberlege, ob ich dann die Great Ocean Road nach Sydney zuruecktrampe...will mich vorher allerdings noch bewerben...
Luv ya!
hey babe,
i like your new pic's. can't wait to see all those beautiful places and of couese to arrive in sydney as i know someone is waiting there for me :)
lots of kisses,
I'm not going anywhere...
only a couple of weeks 2 go :-O
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