Monday, March 31, 2008

My last day abroad :-/

Lena and I had some beautiful days in Dubai...
Unfortunately everything comes to an end at a certain Australia / New Zealand / Dubai journey and experience will be over by tomorrow...but this was definitely an experience that will stay in my mind forever and nobody can ever take it away!

Of course I'll feed you with the outstanding weeks and pictures when I'm back home. My plane will touch german terrain by 7.40pm, Tuesday 1st of April (and I'm not joking!). Time for a change in life again!

In this spirit I wish all my fellow backpackers and open minded people "save travels"!


Thursday, March 27, 2008

my personal travel map

here's a little map including the places I've been during this year. Locations marked with a star are - from my perspective - outstanding and for sure worth visiting/staying a bit longer...

I'm in Dubai right now...still at the airport due to some accommodation problems but that's another story...

Monday, March 24, 2008

ByeBye beautiful Australia!

Oh my!

1 year passed by like nothing and I'll leave this beautiful continent tomorrow, the 26th :-(
A bit earlier than I thought but I can just state: never book open return tickets! Especially not with Emirates! Anyway, I know I've been lazy with my blog but I noted everything down and will fill the gap back home. Just so far: It's been at least as good as the month before.

I also had to say good bye to my first "man bag"

this t-shirt summarizes quite well:
I came to Australia
I saw Australia
I loved Australia!

Hope "uz" had a pleasant Easter break and talk to u soon!

Mic (Oz)