Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2008!

Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2008 to everyone!!!
Hugs and kisses from Sydney!

this is my little - for this year really different - Xmas story...without a lot of comment...

Kirribilli - Mic - a red hat - the bridge - story (22.12.2007) also know as
Mic the lovely Xmas ghost
(zoom in to see the effect *g)

shortly before Xmas: Sydney skyline...

...and opera fireworks finale after the big public Xmas show Carols in the Domain

Mic & friends - Maroubra beach on the 23rd December - story (23.12.2007)

waiting for the enjoy the beach at 26 degrees

Harrrrrr!!! How cold is it again back home?!?

gosh that was exhausting...better take a nap in the bus ;-)

and again: hugs and kisses!

check out for a Christmas jump!

Friday, December 21, 2007

...aaaand Vegemite

Shortly before Christmas and the upcoming 2008 I somehow felt that I should give Vegemite (link) - one very unique Australian thing - a second chance.
Vegemite is a dark brown, savoury food paste made from yeast extract, used mainly as a spread on sandwiches, toast and cracker biscuits...
Vegemite is made from leftover brewers' yeast extract, a by-product of beer manufacture, and various vegetable and spice additives. The taste may be described as salty, slightly bitter, and malty - somewhat similar to the taste of beef bouillon. The texture is smooth and sticky, much like peanut butter. It is not as intensely flavoured as Marmite, and is also less sweet than the New Zealand version of Marmite.

I think mainly because of the strong salty taste newbies like me tend to put too much on the bread when trying to eat it for the first time. Then it's just disgusting. But it's supposed to be nice when using butter and only a thin layer of Vegemite on top...I didn't have the butter but... isn't too bad at all. I won't finished the whole glass but I'll eat it again...maybe for Christmas ;-)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


  • We're going on the "StudiVZ partyboat" tonight (11/12/2008)...
  • Posting "I moved! good news and bad news" is now online (link)
  • Update: Before-and-after-taronga-zoo & fireworks - one more mentioned club (link)
  • Long comes the missing part of my journey from Byron to Sydney with Kevin (french): check it out! (link)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


"StudiVZ Party" 

Heide, Steffi+Julie,... Lena hat sich an dem Abend ein wenig versteckt.

Und der Rest - naja das Essen war etwas knapp kalkuliert

Monday, December 10, 2007

I moved! good news and bad news

Last Sunday (09/12/2008) I moved into a boarding house into the beautiful neighborhood of Kirribilli (link) just on the opposite site of the opera with the Harbour Bridge on the right (albeit I'm located close to Careening Cove and need to walk 5 minutes for the best view in town).

Kirribilli Wharf at night viewing Opera and Harbour Bridge

The name Kirribilli is derived from an Aboriginal word 'Kiarabilli', which means 'good fishing spot'. This suburb initially formed part of a grant to James Milson, after whom Milsons Point was named. The area was later sub-divided, first for the construction of large family residences in the 1840s, and then for the erection of Victorian terrace houses and 20th-Century blocks of flats.
This suburb is commonly known for the Kirribilli House (link) which is the Sydney residence of the Australian Prime Minister. The house is located at the far eastern end of Kirribilli Avenue in the suburb of Kirribilli.

Although Kirribilli was never intended to be the Australian Prime Minister's official primary place of residence, former Prime Minister John Howard, who is a native of Sydney, attracted much adverse comment when he announced at the beginning of his Prime Ministership in 1996 that he would use Kirribilli House as his primary home. John Howard used The Lodge as a residence when in Canberra for parliamentary or government business, and lived primarily at Kirribilli House. Howard said at the time he commenced his Prime Ministership that he had made this decision so that his family could remain together while his three children lived at home and one son attended high school in Sydney.

I can't tell if the recently elected new Prime Minister Kevin Rudd (since 24/11/2008) will use this house - I would...

the stars mark the Kirribilli House on the left and our "imperial residence" on the right

Our room is nice, the location is brilliant (imagine celebrating New Years Eve viewing Opera and Bridge) and really hard to top - which is the good news
There is no internet (yet) nor a telephone - which is the bad news so this will probably affect my blog and phone calls to you guys.

If you really want to contact me please send an email to:
until February I won't check my gmx mail account as regular cause I can't access it from work)
call me on my German mobile phone number

but tell me in advance when you wanna call. Otherwise best chances to get me is at around 8 in the morning (your time) to catch me after work at around 6. Follow the link (google maps) to see my current address (link)

Pictures from our house/room and "silvester" will follow for sure...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

before and after Taronga Zoo...fireworks!

Obviously I gotta start with the night before or even earlier...just briefly:

the other night (I think it's been a Wednesday) Steffi and I went to the German Xing Sydney Network meeting after work...of course in the "Ueberbar" in the first level of the "Loewenbraeu" or - as Australians pronounce it - the Uberbar & Loenbrau...

A couple of very boring but also a couple of very interesting nice people. One of'em was Christian, a 23 year old German who hasn't been living back home for 7 years now. We decided to go out on Saturday and we did. The girls and me (Heide, Steffi, Elisa and Laura) started in "The Gaff" to get a couple of free drinks from 10-11pm and, got into a gay club called "stonewall" which I'd describe as quite "colourful" (and free entry).

Elisa's first Drag Queen to be seen ;-) and another show dancer @ stonewall ground floor

Christian an Mic rockin' the top floor @ stonewall

We had a few (more) drinks and finally ended up in the "arq" (check out their homepage to get an impression *g). Danced a lot, therefore sweating a bit but didn't take our shirts off. Well, one of us did but not me...and I think it must have been extra funny for the girls because at around 2pm almost all of the guys had taken their shirts off...and nobody harassed them or even looked at them ;-)
Laura, Heide, Elisa and Steffi @ the arq

Got back home at 4.30am to catch some sleep.

Got up at 11.30 to meet the others at Circular Quay again to take the fastest way via public transport (ferry!) to the Taronga Zoo (link). Thereafter we jumped on the cable railway

Heide from Moooooooenscheeeeeengladbaaaaach!

and off we went



the guy who opens the door ;-)

At the entrance we got shocked: 37 bucks! Fortunately Elisa is doing an internship at "Fairfax". Due to the relocation the wanted to get rid of left overs...6 tickets for the Taronga Zoo for example. So we just had to pay the 10.40$ for the ferry return. Nice that we bumped into 2 backpackers who had 2 tickets left (somebody didn't show up) and gave it to us for 7,50 each...almost saved an extra ice cream ;-)

Due to the Zoo's descend we started our walk at the upper right of the map (to go down in serpentines) with a couple of Roos,...


and some sleeepy...

...Koalas (link).
It is commonly said that the name 'Koala' is an Aboriginal word meaning "no drink" although there is no evidence to support this. Koalas do drink water, but only rarely, due to their diet consisting of eucalypt leaves, which contain sufficient water to obviate the need for the Koala to descend to ground level to drink.

Other people seem to think that Koalas not only drink but are drunk. Thats why the zoo must have put on this sign saying "not drunk - just digesting" (click to enlarge the picture). I still prefer to think that they are "on drugs". It would at least explain, why a common cause of injury for these cute (but a bit smelly) little animal is actually to "loose touch with reality" and simply fall off the tree ;-O

can't remember the name of this little fella...maybe you know it better...funny nose (just like me *g)

turtle with a looong neck

another relative: a tortoise (Landschildkroete) with a weird shell

the world's biggest lizard...this thing was massive!

Heide and me enjoying the zoo view on Sydney

the world's most famous enclosure (Gehege). You might have seen the Taronga zoo Giraffes in a TV show or on pictures like the one I took. My favorite shot this day...

albeit these guys weren't always cooperating (as you can notice by the tongue)

but sometimes...

they gave the freaky visitors a go...

did you guys hear about the recent scientific research? "Chimps beat humans in memory test"(link). Funny thing if we consider ourselves as top of the Creation (Schoepfung).

the chimps were quite active

whereas the king of the food chain gets lazy when the food is served every day

We had a bit more fun on a beautiful zoo spot.
Steffi and Nozomi...

Check out my/our small project:

Mic jumping Taronga Zoo"Jumping Jack" style

Kevin jumping Taronga Zoo"Jumping Jack" style

Mic jumping Taronga Zoo"Monk" style

Steffi (nickname: possum) jumping Taronga Zoo"Superman" style

Nozomi jumping Taronga Zoo"U name it" style

Nozomi jumping Taronga Zoo"Trident" (DreiZack) style

how a happy Jump-Our-World (link) founder looks after getting "new fun shots" for the homepage.

I tried to convince the elephants to do some fun stuff as well but the somehow weren't in the mood...

the ostrich (Vogel Strauss) didn't put much more effort into our "thing"

this fella is massive and around 7m long...looks pretty scary but...

it actually isn't...on land they are kind of slow moving...

in contradiction to the suricates/meerkats...

who doesn't like'em?

We finished off with a dwarf hippo

and some funny 2D animals.

After a bit more than 3 hours (shortly after 5pm when the zoo closes) we were exhausted and went out to wait almost 45 minutes for the delayed ferry. We had exactly 1 hour to make it to the "Idols" finale at the Sydney opera. So we took a "shortcut" which wasn't a shortcut but made us see a couple of nice things....such as this fabulous wide grown tree...

...or these hedgerows "sex + death"?!?!?

One of the places where the flying dogs are hanging out during daylight

It's amazing if they start their night and fly in groups of hundreds

Anyway, we (Steffi and me) had to keep going, got back and had 5 minutes to eat and get out again to the Circular Quay where we just came from...too much of a hustle (Hektik) for my I stopped a cap to just about make it in time...

The gates were locked but we planned to stay in the small park above anyway and had a nice time (Laura, Heide, Steffi, Kevin and Lilli) due to my Goon, crisps (Chips) and the event in the background.

Somebody won the show and the firework started.

quite impressive for a TV show

you might have already seen my video (link)...

After the show we saw a (tipsy) guy fun chasing a little girl and running full speed into an iron fence with his head. He bleeded like a pig and I'm sure he needed a few stitches but still said that he didn't want an ambulance. And his "friends" were even worse cause they had nothing better to do than taking pictures of their "buddy"...well you can't force'em but he probably wondered the next day what had happened...
the 4 of us went back to Hyde Park but Steffi and Heide got distracted by an illuminated building, Laura had to catch the bus and I walked back a bit to pick the girls up. Thereafter we sat down at the Hyde Park fountain and chated until Heide had to leave as well...

Sweeeeeed day! Why would that hardly ever happen back home?
Is it:
the weather?
the people (getting lazy, boring and fat)?
the city?

Maybe all of the above!?! But don't hesitate to proof me wrong...I'd love to be wrong here...