Friday, December 21, 2007

...aaaand Vegemite

Shortly before Christmas and the upcoming 2008 I somehow felt that I should give Vegemite (link) - one very unique Australian thing - a second chance.
Vegemite is a dark brown, savoury food paste made from yeast extract, used mainly as a spread on sandwiches, toast and cracker biscuits...
Vegemite is made from leftover brewers' yeast extract, a by-product of beer manufacture, and various vegetable and spice additives. The taste may be described as salty, slightly bitter, and malty - somewhat similar to the taste of beef bouillon. The texture is smooth and sticky, much like peanut butter. It is not as intensely flavoured as Marmite, and is also less sweet than the New Zealand version of Marmite.

I think mainly because of the strong salty taste newbies like me tend to put too much on the bread when trying to eat it for the first time. Then it's just disgusting. But it's supposed to be nice when using butter and only a thin layer of Vegemite on top...I didn't have the butter but... isn't too bad at all. I won't finished the whole glass but I'll eat it again...maybe for Christmas ;-)

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